
freedom in Cyber Space! Join us the unified PPJp and PPi,Pirates International!

Pirates Party海賊党 Yamato. Yamato is a traditional name of Japan ). We unify the other 20 groups ( or more ) of Yamato, Japan. Our beginning was in January 2006. Since 2011 we had been registered in Government as a political activity. The name of us is PPJp海賊党, one of the registered political national Parties in Japan. Anyway we have about over 400 members registered both on the BBS/SNS and in the local/univ/jobs PPs in Japan and other friendship pirates parties in the world. We are trying to realize more freedom in internet society and basical democratization of Japan and the Earth.Just join us! わたしたち日本(大和)の海賊たちは世界にひろがる海賊たちと連携して情報空間の自由を守り、地球上で今危機に瀕している民主主義を守り、21世紀に適合した形態で発展させる為に活動をしています。 私たちは国際連携を重視してきました。世界大会での日本代表団の様子は本サイトをご覧下さいThank you.記事目次は右下↓




Pirates Meeting, Let's join us!みんな集まれ、海賊たちがシュタムティッシュに集まっている

Our pirates tea party schedule

mixi ( SNS ) and other active movements will hold meetings together in the world.
Let's join us!

26 March 2014 Wed PPJp official meeting at Ueno,Tokyo.
? Mar. 2013 joint party with other 'pirates party japan' in Osaka.
25? Mar. 2013 joint party with other 'pirates party japan' in Tokyo.

17.March 2013 pirates meeting in Karatsh, Cheramic town with the ex-Mayor Candidates on the issue on Mayor election last month.
16.March 2013 pirates meeting in Arita, Cheramic town with the ex-candidate of Mayor.
15.March 2013 pirates meeting in Genkai, Atompowerstation, Kyushu
14 March 2013 pirates conf in Karatsh,Kyushu
13 March 2013 pirates conf in Fukuoka
3rd March 2013 pirates joint meeting with socalled Tory-to ( PPJ of Triton ) at Kanda,Tokyo.
1st March 2013 pirates joint with independent Greens at Saitama.( this group is not the same as the small party "Midori no To Japan",Green Party Japan.)The israeli leader Dani and Mixi Pirates members at Japanese Restaurant.
28 Feb 2013 pirates Stammtisch at Saitama, Tonden.at 2100pm
25 Feb 2013 pirates morning meeting at Ota
24 Feb.2013 pirates coffee meeting at Gumma 5 members of Gumma Pirates at Kobas house.
22 March 2013 pirates meeting in West Saitama. Mt.Hodo ( in an oldest Temple )
21 March 2013 pirates conf in Saitama and then a coffee time at a cafe.
21 Feb.2013 pirates exchange conference with the President of PPJ of Triton ( socalled Tory-toh ) at Akasaka near TBS,Tokyo broadcasting station.untill 5am,joint meeting with Mixi pirates and Tritons PPJ.
20 Feb.2013 pirates Joint meeting with German and Wiener. at Akasaka. at 2100pm
20 Feb.2013 pirates policy meeting with ex-METI chief secretary of Ministry office.
20 Feb.2013 pirates Stammtisch in Tokyo ( Nishi-shimbashi,Mosburger shop )at 1100am
16 Feb 2013 pirates conf in Kyoto after intern meeting.
19 Feb 2013 pirates Stammtisch in Osaka south.
18 Feb 2013 pirates Stammtisch in Osaka south.
17 Feb 2013 pirates Stammtisch in Osaka south.
16 Feb 2013 pirates conf with Kyushu Pirates President Mr.Nakashima after intern meeting at 1300pm.
16 Feb 2013 pirates Stammtisch in Osaka south.
15 Feb 2013 pirates Stammtisch in Osaka south.
14 Feb 2013 pirates Stammtisch in Osaka south.
14 Feb 2013 pirates morning conf in Osaka with PPJ of Mr.Kuroda and Mixi Pirates three members.
13 Feb 2013 pirates party meeting with the President of Japanese Pirates Party of Mr.Kuroda ( Kaizokuto Japan,PPJ ) at Torikizoku near Osaka Main Sta. in Osaka. ( Mixi Pirates group,Mixi music pirates, Mixi Pirates Intsitute, Mixi pirates Saitama, Mixi Jurists' Pirates, PPJ President Mr.Kuroda, three Jurists in PPJ Tokyo, ) at 21:00pm
13 Feb 2013 pirates meeting with Kyoto PPJ members in Osaka at 4:00pm at the Watami, near Osaka main sta.
13 Feb 2013 pirates conf in Osaka.after demonstration and then sake party at 12:00 at D'otol, Umeda,Osaka Sta.
8 Feb 2013 pirates tea party in COSTOCO and then in Cafe near Costoco. Senior Ladies and Men welcome!
West Saitama Coordinator Miss KG.
4. Feb.2013. pirates chinese tea party in Gumma.
3. Feb.2013. pirates chinese tea party in North Kanto.( music pirates plannning conf.)

31. January 2013 pirates meeting at Sushi-restaurant in Kumagaya, Saitama.
meeting,theme; how we can be active in so many socalled pirates parties in Tokyo.

30 January 2013 pirates meeting and pirates chinese tea party in Gumma.
especially on music scene in Japan.copy right and some activities in this year.

26.January 2013
joint event with Japanese Anti Copyright Society in Tokyo.

25.January 2013
private meeting. on homeless policy and activities in Tokyo.

18.January 2013
pirates meeting and chinese tea party at Chinese Restaurant near Tone river.

12.January 2013
international symposium at Tokyo Univ.

10.January 2013
pirates chinese tea party in Gumma,

06.January 2013
pirates meeting in Yokohama,China Town.

04.January 2013
joint meeting in Kanda with the other "pirates party members" from Chiba, Saitama and Kyoto Univ.,

02.January 2013
pirates meeting in Oizumi,Brazil Town.with international work shop group..

01.January 2013
pirates meeting in Yokohama,China Town.






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[11/22 RicheldisSchwarz]
[09/06 ドルガバ 激安]
[07/25 MusicPirate]
[09/02 DJ機器]
[09/02 ベース]


Pirat Ninja

