
freedom in Cyber Space! Join us the unified PPJp and PPi,Pirates International!

Pirates Party海賊党 Yamato. Yamato is a traditional name of Japan ). We unify the other 20 groups ( or more ) of Yamato, Japan. Our beginning was in January 2006. Since 2011 we had been registered in Government as a political activity. The name of us is PPJp海賊党, one of the registered political national Parties in Japan. Anyway we have about over 400 members registered both on the BBS/SNS and in the local/univ/jobs PPs in Japan and other friendship pirates parties in the world. We are trying to realize more freedom in internet society and basical democratization of Japan and the Earth.Just join us! わたしたち日本(大和)の海賊たちは世界にひろがる海賊たちと連携して情報空間の自由を守り、地球上で今危機に瀕している民主主義を守り、21世紀に適合した形態で発展させる為に活動をしています。 私たちは国際連携を重視してきました。世界大会での日本代表団の様子は本サイトをご覧下さいThank you.記事目次は右下↓




Registration to new party in Japan? It is so easy.

Since 2011 so many socalled 'pirates party'(or parties?) had been registrated and equal at the same time established in Japan.
Most of the presidents of such 'pirates parties' have never been seen on demonstrations/working task teams/joint events against the new registration about copy right or nuclear facilities.
Most of these new 'parties' have small number of members like 16 in the socalled Kaizokuto Japan of Toriton( or Hideto(n) Suzawa) and the payments had not yet finished at all.

Some said that the "party" has been 'registered' in Japanese Authorities ( Sohmu-sho ).
What is that?

In Japan everybody can send the paper to the local authorities of Japanese government ( Sohmu-sho ), then
automatically you can make a party of any name and of course the really 'registered by Japanese Government' one.

It costs nothing.You don't have to hold any other members, so even if you are the only one member still you can send the aplication to the authorities. In reality all the socalled 'pirates' parties of Japan have had only one member at the time of registration. ( We are just a NGO, no 'party' at all! )

Some parties of Japanese 'Pirates Party' said that they should be registered by the pirates party of someother countries or pirates international ( ppi??).

Is it really possible?





A pirates party, whose leader lives in Osaka, West Japan, could be registered by Swedish Pirates party.
And another pirates party, whose leader lives in Chiba by the Pacific Ocean, could be registered by German Pirates party.
And one another pirates party should be registered by Austrian Pirates Party and invited a member as
political advisor to Japan.

But we think that such pirates like parties are all just kind of illusion.

The very similliar situation exists in Japan too.
It is the constellation around the green party.

Last year we found some new green parties in Japan.
Since 1980 we saw so many green parties or so called leaders of some green party of Japan.
But now we can see only one.
And I confirm that the only one green party will disappear in the year 2013,
because in 2013 we have a unified local election.

Always in Japan the socalled 'party' is used just only inorder to become a senator in the
So if you could get the title then party is no more necessarty for the potiticians.




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Today Tory-toh(toriton party,so-called PPJ) holds a general meeting in Tokyo.

The session must be confuged because a few days ago an activist registered a new "PPJ",the Pirates Party Japan on the board of "Sohmusho", the inland ministry as a new party.

Mr.Tory-ton(Triton,or Hideton) the president of the so-called PPJ claimed the new PPJ leader and ordered not to register the other PPJ. But in vain.

So now we the Japanese Pirates have got an another pirates "Party" Japan.

Till now we have so many PPJs in Japan.
You can find a lot of Pirates Part'ies' of Japan ,
in Japanese language "海賊党" on Net, Cyber space.

Only in the metropolitan area you can find at least two registerd "PPJ"s.

What is that?

Maybe an activist who is active in my organization will ask Mr.Tory-ton(Triton) , a president of one of the PPJs for some kind of answer to the question on todays meeting in Kanda,Tokyo.

The local president of Kyoto Tory-toh (Triton Party,so-called PPJ ) Dr.Yawara Ishida said few days ago he denied to go to this meeting even if he belonged to the Tory-toh. He said to us that he will resign the position and he is now trying a new party, but not a Pirates Party but a new Cyber party.

Triton destroyed already some pirates parties in Japan to threat the leaders of the pirates parties or partytrials.


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Pirat Ninja

