
freedom in Cyber Space! Join us the unified PPJp and PPi,Pirates International!

Pirates Party海賊党 Yamato. Yamato is a traditional name of Japan ). We unify the other 20 groups ( or more ) of Yamato, Japan. Our beginning was in January 2006. Since 2011 we had been registered in Government as a political activity. The name of us is PPJp海賊党, one of the registered political national Parties in Japan. Anyway we have about over 400 members registered both on the BBS/SNS and in the local/univ/jobs PPs in Japan and other friendship pirates parties in the world. We are trying to realize more freedom in internet society and basical democratization of Japan and the Earth.Just join us! わたしたち日本(大和)の海賊たちは世界にひろがる海賊たちと連携して情報空間の自由を守り、地球上で今危機に瀕している民主主義を守り、21世紀に適合した形態で発展させる為に活動をしています。 私たちは国際連携を重視してきました。世界大会での日本代表団の様子は本サイトをご覧下さいThank you.記事目次は右下↓




Triton's Party disappeared last autumn.

Triton party, so^called "Pirate Party(!?) Japan, PPJ", disappeared last year.
Still on the internet you can see a lot of old websites of Triton’s various versions but after the GA in Warsaw there is nothing new.
Maybe you all might be able to remember the happening at the General Assembly of PPi in Warsaw on 5th of July, 2015 by Mr. Yotta, a CEO of a Japanese business company in Yokohama, Kanagawa pref.
At that time Mr. Yotta came as a friend of Mr. Triton, as he advocated in the PP GA hall.
As you all know that Mr.Triton, Hideto[n] Suzawa had said that he be the owner of so-called "Pirate Party of Japan, PPJ", we say "Triton's ( private ) party".
As Mr. Yotta said at that conference he be "Triton's friend".
But in the end of last year Mr.Triton declared on his twitter site that he had changed his position from Triton party to another party.
As a member of another new party Mr.Triton began to make big campagn for his local election.
This local election ended on 14th. February 2016.
Mr. Triton got 872 votes of total 53,100. It means 1.6 percent.
He could not get any seat on the local government.
Since Mr.Triton's election campaign began in October or November last year, he DID NOT belonged to any kind of pirates movement but he started his activity with the new party,"Party against NHK", in Japanese "NHKから国民を守る党http://nhkkara.jp/rule.html
So it means that since October Triton's party disappeared from any kind of the pirates movements in Japan.
Since last October Mr.Triton and his followers are active totally not in the wing of Pirates movement but only as an activist of the "N-Party".
In Triton's election campaign we could not find any sentence of the pirates mind on campagne papers and fishes.




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Pirat Ninja

