
freedom in Cyber Space! Join us the unified PPJp and PPi,Pirates International!

Pirates Party海賊党 Yamato. Yamato is a traditional name of Japan ). We unify the other 20 groups ( or more ) of Yamato, Japan. Our beginning was in January 2006. Since 2011 we had been registered in Government as a political activity. The name of us is PPJp海賊党, one of the registered political national Parties in Japan. Anyway we have about over 400 members registered both on the BBS/SNS and in the local/univ/jobs PPs in Japan and other friendship pirates parties in the world. We are trying to realize more freedom in internet society and basical democratization of Japan and the Earth.Just join us! わたしたち日本(大和)の海賊たちは世界にひろがる海賊たちと連携して情報空間の自由を守り、地球上で今危機に瀕している民主主義を守り、21世紀に適合した形態で発展させる為に活動をしています。 私たちは国際連携を重視してきました。世界大会での日本代表団の様子は本サイトをご覧下さいThank you.記事目次は右下↓




History of the Japanese Pirates Movements.

On January 21.2006 we started one SNS policy making community on MIXI.
Mixi is the biggest SNS in Japan at that time.
It was just only three weeks after the founding of the first pirate party "PP Sweden" by Falkevinge.
On January 15.2010 Mr.Piyokichi started the japanese Community on MIXI. "Let's join the japanese Pirates Party with us!",i.e. Japanese Pirates League. Mixi is the largest and most popular SNS in Japan at that time.
On November 15.2011 We started a Think Tank on MIXI."Institute of Pirates."
There we were studying woorld wide pirates and making research on and off line on both the policy and the history of the world wide pirates movement.
Since 2009 we are trying to unify all of such kind organizations i.e. the so-called "Pirates Party Japan" (plural ) .
Now we have over 20 Organizations under our umbrella.
Since 2014 Pirates Party Japan has sent a delegate to Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia as a board member to Pirates Party International.
Since 2015 there is only one registered Pirate Party in Japan. Other pirates parties have disappeared or unified into our organization since then.
Now our President is Naoh from Young Pirates of Japan and Laquta of Gumma Pirates .
Now our international coordinator is Thoma JQ from Mixi Pirates Organizations.
Now our delegate and at the same time the board member of Pirate Party International is Ms Min.C. We can not open their full name since the Japanese government prohibits the political activity of the employee of local and federal government of Japan.

Still now our major activity is on the free talk meeting on politics and world peace all over the world, for example in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Kanazawa, Hakata, Karatsu, Yobuko, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Okayama, Kurarshiki, Yokohama, Ise, Paris, Berlin etc.
We call the open meeting "Pirates Stammtisch" just like German and Swiss Pirates Party.
Just join us at the "Pirates' Stammtisch"!




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[11/22 RicheldisSchwarz]
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Pirat Ninja

